Are you tired of low click-through rates and struggling to get views on your YouTube videos? It's time to try something new and give your thumbnails a makeover. In this article, we will explore different types of YouTube thumbnails that you can use to grab the viewer's attention and increase the CTR of your videos. From action shots and hand gestures to perspective shots and question-based thumbnails, we will show you how to use visual elements to communicate the message of your video and boost your views. With the right thumbnail, you can increase CTR from 2-3% to 15% plus and that’s the difference between 100 views and 100K views! Let's get started!

 Comparison thumbnails

In comparison thumbnails, you can create a 50:50 split of two images, with one image representing the "before" and the other representing the "after." For example, if you're creating a tutorial on how to style your hair, you could use a before and after photo of a model with their hair in two different styles.

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Progression thumbnails

In progression thumbnails, you can split your thumbnail image into three or four parts and show a progression from before to after. For example, if you're creating a tutorial on how to create a piece of art, you could use a series of images showing the different stages of the artwork as it progresses from an empty canvas to a finished piece. This type of thumbnail can help to build suspense and curiosity, encouraging the viewer to click on your video to see the final result.

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Question-based thumbnail

Question-based YouTube thumbnails are images that feature a question or statement as the main focus of the image. Using questions in thumbnails can also help to generate curiosity and intrigue in the viewer, encouraging them to click on the video to learn more.

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Bold text thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses large, bold text to grab the viewer's attention and clearly communicate the main message of your video.

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Emoji thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses emojis to add a playful and fun element to your thumbnail and help it stand out in the YouTube feed.

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Infographic thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses simple graphics and icons to explain complex information in a visual and engaging way.

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Portrait thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses a close-up portrait of a person to create a personal and engaging thumbnail that draws the viewer in.

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Graphic design thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses creative graphic design elements to create a visually striking and attention-grabbing thumbnail.

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Product thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses a high-quality image of your product to showcase its features and benefits. This can be a great way to grab the viewer's attention and show them what your product looks like in real life.

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Lifestyle thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses a lifestyle image to show your product in use. For example, if you're selling a kitchen appliance, you could use a thumbnail that shows someone using it to cook a delicious meal. This can help to create a sense of connection with the viewer and show them how your product can fit into their daily life.

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Extreme close-up thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses an extreme close-up of a person's face, body, or object to create a visually striking and attention-grabbing thumbnail.

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Surreal thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses surreal or dream-like elements to create a visually striking and attention-grabbing thumbnail. This can include elements such as distorted images, surreal landscapes, or otherworldly creatures.

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Meme thumbnail

This type of thumbnail uses a popular internet meme or image to grab the viewer's attention and create a humorous or relatable thumbnail. This can be a great way to connect with your audience and make your thumbnail stand out in the YouTube feed.

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Hand Gesture Thumbnails

YouTube hand gesture thumbnails are images that feature a person making a hand gesture, such as a thumbs up or a peace sign. Using hand gestures in thumbnails can also help to convey the tone and mood of the video, such as playful or energetic.

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Perspective Thumbnails

Perspective YouTube thumbnails are images that use a unique or creative perspective to grab the viewer's attention. These types of thumbnails often feature a subject or object from an unusual angle, such as a bird's eye view or a low angle shot. The use of perspective in thumbnails can help to create a sense of depth and visual interest.

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Action Thumbnails

Action shot YouTube thumbnails are images that feature a person or object in motion, capturing a moment of action or excitement. Using action shots in thumbnails can also help to convey the tone and mood of the video, such as energetic or thrilling.

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Did you test these thumbnail ideas out? let me know, and if you have questions related Youtube, please reach out to me at